It is amazing how I can
just listen for hours when he does the talking.
The fact that an owl is
characterized by short listening span, though at times (most of the times) I tend not to enjoy long
conversations, especially the draggy ones.
with random things, from how was your day kind of thing, goes deeper into how clouds
are formed, to airbus engine and some pilot terminology (though it sounded
alien to me) and go even deeper into things like religious matters and
also life-changing experiences.
I must say.
I just sit there and listen, enjoying my soft shell crab pasta at the same time.
and digesting the info inside my head.
I’m amazed by how a person tells such inspiring stories.
Because I find myself usually run out of words
verbally, but my mind does the talking.
Hence, the writing, where
I usually transfer my thoughts and it becoming therapeutic.
Back to the story.
On our way back home, he
made me listen to his acoustic covers of some hits.
and the car made a stop when the
lights turned red and suddenly there were bubbles been carried away by the
The breezy night.
And a song.
Felt like I was in a