Feed The Homeless

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I had quite an eventful Saturday, started with random Saturday's brunch with ex primary/secondary schoolamates that I haven't seen since we left high school in 2005, bumped into my favorite fashion icon Vivy Yusuf at Acme Bar & Coffee, stocking up baking ingredients for Stellar's Bazaar, karipap hunting for the food run distribution and volunteered for the feed the homeless initiative.

Feed the homeless.

I went for the food run last night after few months of not being an active runner. No, it is not about running with food. It's an initiative to feed those homeless in Klang Valley area under Reach Out/Hope Box organization. Those who stay under the bridge, at the alley of the buildings, at the road side of the streets and anywhere they can find a place as their shelters and use boxes as their mattress. 

From Puduraya, to Central Market, to Masjid Negara, to Klang River.
There were about hundreds of them.

They have no family.
Not even money to buy things.
Not even food to eat.
Not even a house to stay.
Not even a shoulder to cry on.
No one.

It is heartbreaking. 
Holding my tears while distributing foods was the hardest.
I wonder where is their family.
Does they ever had a wife and kids?
Where are they?

Those people are really polite. They smile all the time. They keep on praising their gratitude for every food received. They treated us like their own family. Every smile, it means something. There's always something hidden beneath their smiles. And they are not like any other ghettos. They are so kind, even kinder than us people; that is sometimes are too boastful and ungrateful.

It makes me realize money can never buy happiness.
You might own a dozen of Chanel, Balenciaga handbags.
But, these people with no home, no money, no family sometimes are the happiest.
I can tell from their smiles and I can even see it through their eyes.

Having a really life changing experience previously somehow make me feel grateful for what I have now rather than focusing on things that I don't.

|Picture Courtesy of Reach Out FB Page; that's me and other volunteers during the night|