Weight Loss #3

Okay, let's continue on point #3 on losing weight.

I was once an outdoor person and ever since I started working more than 2 years ago, I gave up on jogging/yoga/hiking/sports etc. I hardly do any exercise or maybe a little, occasionally. Resulted in gaining kilos of unhealthy fats!

One day, when I was about to get ready to go out, I realize couldn't fit into my jeans. and that was the moment I slapped myself into reality. 

I wear skirts and dresses to cover up my big hips.
I cried especially during my PMS, because I hate the fact that I was one-two size/s bigger.
I feel my esteem dropped!
I was afraid to see the numbers on scale machine.

So I started my exercise routine.

1) Boot-camp.
Forcing my asses off out of the bed as early as 6am on every Saturdays for my boot-campWe were forced to jog for about 1 km from The Weld to KLCC park, and started our cardio and strength routine. I was short of breath and glad it turned out well after few session. and now my 8 sessions are all completed now.

2) Jog
Good thing I  found 3 buddies that are really health freak in my office.
We started to go for a jog on alternate days, 3 times a week on weekdays after work. 

3) Yoga
My favorite so far, and less torturing. haha
I spend about 15 minutes first thing in the morning for yoga session at home before getting ready to work.
For a beginner like me, I focus on my breathing and some beginner's routine; Arda Matsyendra, Chakravaksana, and etc.

4) Sports
We formed a futsal and netball team in the office for the sake of having fun in the office! And as another form of exercise routine for us. 

In summary:
  • 6 km of jogging or walking, 3 times a week, alternately. and occasionally, sign up for marathons.
  • 1 hour of futsal or netball, once a week.
  • 15 minutes of Yoga everyday.
  • and if possible (and this require high level of discipline) - 20 minutes of cardio and strength routine on my own, which is hardly impossible to be completed.
Well the key for it is the consistency and it's not an instant result, so don't give up!
It took me 2 months to feel the difference, not only about the inches loss, but I also feel more energetic, fit and self confidence increase.

Keep going!