Weight Loss #1

I started my detox/eat clean few months ago after realizing that is the only way to stay healthy and the only way to lose weight.

I gained weight, a lot.

ever since I started working 3 years back, from 48 kilos (mind you, I was in UK 6-8 back then it went up boooom!!! to almost 60 kilos.

I tried Herbal Life,it worked  for a short term.

I gave up after spending thousands on it.

Remember, there's NO shortcut to lose weight!! NEVER!

last option and the only option I have (and it worked!) is to BE HEALTHY.

Rule of thumb:

  • H20
  • Eat Clean
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
#1 : Drink H2O Everyday

some people might have trouble in consuming plain water and eliminating sodas/coffees in their daily routines.
Even for myself, I'm such a coffee addict, kid you not. My day will never complete without a cup of coffee first thing in the morning.
However, I'll ensure myself drink at least 2 litres of plain water a day and also 2 cups of fruits infused water.

(Image Via : Lauren Conrad [dot] com)

Fill a pitcher/bottle with H20
Add sliced fresh fruits of your choice (I choose Lemon and Cucumber as for my daily routine)
Add Mint leaves
Add 1 teaspoon of honey
leave it overnight in refrigerator 

Lowering chance of developing disease
Increase metabolism and resulted in weight loss
Source of vitamins
keep yourself hydrated

To spice it up, prepare it in pretty mason jars with colorful lids and fancy straw!