7 weddings altogether, 5 done, 2 more to go.
and guess what? Out of 7 weddings, I was/going to be the bridesmaid/flower girl/dulang girls for 6 of them.
|Earlier this year, Liyana and Fathudin, followed by Sanirah & Ali but I don't have any of their wedding pictures. was busy throughout the event|
||Wedding festive in September, 1st in line: Nazmi & Gia|
|2nd in line, just a week after Naz & Gia: Amir and Huda|
|and latest, Andy & Jiha|
Next: Nina & Amad, Ayuni & Yassier, both happening on the exact same day. And that is when my 27 dresses moment will happen. Running here and there as a bridesmaid for Ayuni and a dulang girl for Nina.